PMCC Closed Cup Flash Point Tester


Aug 29, 20243320

PMCC Closed Cup Flash Point Tester



This instrument is designed and manufactured as per standards GB/T 261-2008 Determination of Flash Point - Pensky-Martens closed cup method and ASTM D93 Standard Test Methods for Flash Point by Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester. It is used to make determination of the closed cup flash point of the petroleum products.




1. Single chip microcomputer control technique.LCD screen displays.English man-machine interaction interface.The heating power is continuously step-less adjustable.The rate of heating up is exact.Easy setting for parameters.


2. The LCD screen has prompting menu,prompting input operation interface.It shows the setted parameters,real-time temperatures and other test parameters.Press the “record”button when the flash point appears.The screen will show and reserve the flash point.


3. The structure is newly design and small.Stainless steel table-board looks clean and beautiful.It can be used as long as equipped with gas or other civilian fuels.It is easy to use and test results exact.


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